Tails documentation would greatly benefit from your help.

Good documentation is difficult to keep up-to-date. If you find a typo or an error in the documentation please let us know — ideally, by submitting a patch with your correction.

Find a task

The documentation on the website is not freely editable. The way we document things has serious security implications. People should be able to trust the Tails website as much as they trust Tails itself. Furthermore, every change in the documentation possibly breaks the translations that were made of the previous version.

But there are still many ways you can start contributing:

  • We maintain a list of documentation tasks. You can start writing a draft in the corresponding issue and then ask us for review.

  • Small fixes and enhancements to the current documentation are greatly welcome. This can be done by sending Git patches to [email protected] or by sending us a Merge Request. In general, documentation changes should be based on the master branch.

We recommend you to build an offline version of the documentation to test your contributions before sharing them with us.

Guidelines and style

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Talk to us

You can subscribe to [email protected], our development mailing list.

If you need input and don't know who to ask, mention @sajolida on the corresponding GitLab issue.